
Vote Now!!

for the 'New Year. New Look.'

We are giving AREtsy a make-over for the new year and we now have some designs to choose from! Thanks to everyone who contributed something, your help was greatly appreciated!

Just click on the following link to choose a design you think fits the look and personality best of our little ole' Etsy team. You can comment on as many as you like but you can only choose one! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!!



New Year. New Look.

We need your help!

Calling all AREtsians... We are looking to give a new 'look' to AREtsy. Updating the identity as it were, for what we use on our blog header, Etsy profile pic/banner, facebook, twitter, etc. We would love as many of our talented members as possible to give this little design request a try! We will then load all of them to a 'voting' page and send out the link, so that all members, or fans, can vote on their favorite new look.

We would like to have all your ideas by Sunday, January 16th and hope to have the voting page up on the 17th. You can send to AREtsy@gmail.com. This initial design should be 450 x 300 pixels per inch. jpegs will do fine. You will have to be willing to share your working files with us, so that we can translate into all sizes needed and keep handy for future needs. The voting will be anonymous, however, we will share proudly who created the 'favorite' look!

So, doodle-on, snap some pics, drink some coffee - however, you get inspired! We look forward to seeing your new look!